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  • Posted On: 07/27/2009
  • Title: post
  • Name: Robert
  • Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida
  • Moluccan Cockatoo PR - Proven imports in good feather. Must incubate $1500 OBO
    Umbrella Cockatoo PR - Proven imports in good feather. Must incubate $1300 OBO
    Goffin Cockatoos - 2 males & 2 females - Flocked together. All in good feather $2000 OBO for all
    Moluccan Cockatoo Hen - Import in good feather $800 OBO.
    Umbrella Cockatoo Hen - Domestic in good feather, has a damaged foot, caused by her last mate does not impair mating $400 OBO
    Scarlet Macaw PR - Domestics in good feather. $1500 OBO
    Macaw PR - Scarlet(H) & B&G(M) - Pr put together three months ago. Getting along very nice. Male is plucked on his body. Has full flights & Tail. $1300 OBO

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