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- Posted On: 12/01/2009
- Title: post
- Name: Yvonne Patterson
- Location: Kansas City, Jackson Cnty, MO, Missouri
- Miss Money Penney is 9 yrs of age, one owner, a friend of mine who bought her from Petland. She's a very sweet bird, but sometimes like all birds she will nip. She is a veggie eater, and loves her seed, and Pellets.
She was just at the vet and he says she very healthy.
Her birthday is in April, around Easter but don't know the exact date. She likes to be out of her cage when you are home, and her owners are gone all throughout the day and it isn't fair to Money.
Her owner runs a day care and she loves to watch children, but she won't let them touch her. She is used to smaller dogs, but not larger dogs not to say she couldn't get used to one after some work with both species (dog/bird).
I'm attaching a graphic of her. She also has a beautiful California Cage she comes with. The graphic is not finished as I'm waiting for a picture of her cage.