Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 12/03/2009
  • Title: post
  • Name: Victor
  • Location: South Florida, Florida
  • Adult Birds for sale:

    1 pair Jenday's 350.00
    1 pair Moustache Parakeet 350.00
    1 pair Cinnamon Green Cheeks 250.00
    1 pair Canary Wings 250.00
    1 pair Cinnamon Quakers 800.00
    Dark eye cinnamon & red eye cinnamon... e-mail for pictures
    Green Quaker Pairs 125.00

    1 Single Severe Macaw 275.00 sex un-known but believed to be male....

    Location South Florida......Shipping @ buyers expense. Delta Airlines Contact us @ 754-264-5049

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