Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 06/09/2018
  • Title: Aviary downsizing
  • Name: Corrine
  • Location: Vancouver, Washington
  • Breeding pairs available

    1 Sun conure pair-red factor & split to red- $800 male 2/female 18 mo

    2. Sun conure pair-red factor & split to red -$800 2 year old pair

    3. Sun conure pair -red factor & split to red -$800 2 year old pair.

    4. Sun conure pair-yellow pieds -$600 1 year old pair

    5. Albino Quakers. Female. -$700 2 years old

    Male. -$850 2 years old

    Pairs come with their DNA paperwork. The Sun Conures are split banded but come from a reputable breeder. One of the Sun Conures got a talon under the ring & we had to remove it but I still have the ring. The Albinos are on eggs & I am willing to sell them separately after their clutch hatches. One pair of suns is on eggs so cannot be moved until the eggs hatch. I also have several white/violet & yellow ino Fischer’s on eggs.

    I will take deposits on the pairs that cannot be moved right away.

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