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- Posted On: 06/22/2018
- Title: 2 Female Moustache Parakeets For Sale
- Name: jeffrey forsha
- Location: glendale, Arizona
- This is a Moustache Parakeet family photo of mom ((NOT FOR SALE) back left with a dirty black beak from feeding babies), dad ((NOT FOR SALE) back right with a perfectly pretty beak because mom did almost all the work with the babies (he did feed mom though)), and their three babies. The babies hatched on 4/15 (front left - DNA tested male (NOT AVAILABLE)), 4/17 (front right - DNA tested female (AVAILABLE)), and 4/19 (front middle - DNA tested female (AVAILABLE)). $650 each. Air shipping available within the US, accept in states that do not allow Moustache Parakeets... I know only of New Jersey though that bans the sale.