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- Posted On: 07/14/2010
- Title: post
- Name: Shawn or Cynthia
- Location: Monument, Co, Colorado
- Breeder birds for sale: 1 pair of B&G Macaws, perfect feather, proven for previous, egg laying for me $750 for the pair. 10 yrs. old
1 B&G hen, very hormonal, possible pet, fairly sweet bird also perfect feather, like men $700 9 yrs. old
1 female Eastern Rosella, 2 yrs. old $100
1 DNA'd Black Capped conure male proven $100 4 yrs. old.
1 proven pair of Military Macaws, 8 yrs. old, hen plucked to down on chest from nesting, coming back now. $750 for the pair
These birds need to go, have new breeders coming in and I need the room. Shipping ok at buyers expense.