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  • Posted On: 06/28/2019
  • Title: Sadie male amazon almost17
  • Name: Tanya Richards
  • Location: Dilworth, Minnesota
  • Sadie was my moms and has lived with me since just before she passed away almost 7 years. My mom got him as soon as he was able to leave mama. He has his ankle band. Was raised in family environment with dogs and a cat as well as lots of people. He talks and sings and is friendly especially when you have time to spend with him. He has the most adorible giggle he learns new words and phrases quickly annd love to be part of the action or conversation even if just sitting listening in group of people. Is friendly with both men and women. Small groups likes sitting on guys larger groups women. Asking $1400 comes with large cage a couple perches and anything else I have around for him. I no longer have the time to give him the attention he deserves.
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