Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 12/23/2019
  • Title: Patagonian Conure Pair
  • Name: Brian
  • Location: Phoenix, Arizona
  • Pair of Patagonian Conures - please read the entire ad before contacting me.

    FULL DISCLOSURE - The female tested positive for ABV prior to my acquisition of them. Due to the time they have been together, the male is presumed to be positive as well. The female is 6 - 10 years old. The male is 23. There is a long back story, but the quick and dirty is that the local buyer had them tested upon purchase - as any breeder should do with new birds. The seller did not believe the lab results, said the birds had no health guarantee and refused to take them back. I acquired this pair when the buyer moved out of state and was not able to take them along.

    They must go to someone who understands biosecurity and hygiene practices within an aviary. There is a lot of information and misinformation about ABV. I'll be happy to answer questions to the best of my ability, but you should speak to an avian specialist. They are carriers and have not shown any clinical symptoms of infection. I can also go over my own hygiene practices with you if you're interested.

    They should not be bred. The male is most likely beyond the age of fertility due to his age. The female is very friendly and will step up if you ask her. The male was not handled that much and is less interested in people.

    $900 for the pair, shipping available at the buyers expense.
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