Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 11/01/2010
  • Name: RONALD
  • Location: SPRING BRANCH, Texas
  • -Pairs:
    Eclectus = $1000.
    Umbrella = $1000.
    2 Prs. Suncap Males & GoldCap Females= $500. ea.
    4 Prs. Greencheeks Mutations
    2 Prs. Normal double split Males & Cinnamon f.= $300. ea.
    1 Pr. Normal double split m. & Yellowsided f. = $300.
    1 Pr. Normal double split m. & Pineapple f.= $350.

    2- Mitred Conures f.= $200. ea.
    1- Goldcap Conure m.= $200.
    1-Suncap Conure (sun & goldcap) m.= $200.
    1-Sunday¬ (Sun & Jenday) m.= $200.
    2-Greencheek Normal double split m.= $100. ea.
    4-Greencheek Cinnamon - unsexed= $75. ea.
    1-Green Ringneck double split f.= $125.
    1- Goffin Cockatoo f.= $400.
    1- Citron Cockatoo m.= $675.
    1- Redlored Amazon m.= $400.
    1- Lilacine Amazon m.= $500.
    2- Lilacrown Amazon m.= $400. ea.
    1-Lesser Whitefronted (spectacled) Amazon m.= $375.
    Ex says they have to go pronto!!!She want her garage and property back,no reasonable offers will be refused. Thank you
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