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  • Posted On: 11/23/2010
  • Title: Breeder Birds For Sale
  • Name: Shawn or Cynthia
  • Location: Monument, CO, Colorado
  • 1 proven pair Blue & Golds, perf. feather and excellent parents $750 pr.
    1 prolific pair Military Macaws, excellent parents $750 pr.
    1 prolific pair Blue & Golds, very prolific, excellent parents $750 pr.
    1 bonded pair hybrid macaws, male military female blue & gold $900 perf. feather
    1 dna sexed Umbrella Cockatoo male, perf. feather and large $500
    1 dna sexed Umbrella Cockatoo female, not compatible with above male $550
    1 yellownape Amazon male, perf. feather $400
    shipping ok at buyers expense
    1 mealy Amazon female, large, perf. feather $300
    1 dna sexed male Goffin Cockatoo, perf. feather $300
    1 dna sexed female Senegal, perf. feather 2 yrs. old $200
    1 female Indian Ringneck, normal $100
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