Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 05/29/2020
  • Title: Grass Parakeets Kakariki
  • Name: Anne-Marie
  • Location: Mount Dora, Florida
  • Discount for multiple Bird purchases

    Scarlet-chested Parakeets:

    2019 Grey Males, possibly split ino. $250

    2020 Greys, Cinn. Blue, various colors, splits. $150& up


    2019 Opaline (Rosy) males some Blue-tceles, $ 125

    2019 Rubino hen $150

    2020 Opaline (Rosy) Blue-tceles bloodlines $ 125

    2020 Rubino hens $150


    2018 Proven Yellow (Dilute) Male $ 150

    2020 Unsexed Yellows, Yellow Opaline, Red Opaline $ 125 & up

    Blue Kakarikis

    2019 Blue Pied Kakariki male $ 300

    ***Might consider complete sell-out of Blue Kakariki pairs, (8 birds total), all are Blue, Blue Pied, Cinnamon Blue (pale blue), Pied Cinnamon Blue; all pairs are proven & very productive***

    Call for more information

    Looking to buy or trade for a heavy Blue Pied Kakariki hen (must be mostly white)

    Located in Central Florida. Mount Dora, Zip 32756

    I am 45 minutes South of Ocala, 90 minutes north-east of Tampa,45 minutes north from Orlando.

    Shipping from Orlando Airport, Delta only, $ 175 (that's what Delta charges me). Absolutely no shipping with US Post Office!

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