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  • Posted On: 09/02/2021
  • Title: Breeder Pair Green Cheek Conures
  • Name: Anita Merrill
  • Location: Whiteland, Indiana
  • I have a pair of Green Cheek Conures. He is a four year old normal. She is a five year old pineapple. They had a clutch earlier this year, they are a proven pair. They love being out of the cage during they day. They will sit on my shoulder while I work in there. I am asking $1000 for the pair. For another $200 I will include their A&E huge cage along with their toys, stainless steel bowls, homemade natural rope perches and breeder box. The box attaches on the outside of the cage with a large lid you can lift to check so you can on babies.
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