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  • Posted On: 07/06/2022
  • Title: Alexandrine Parrot Male Breeder
  • Name: Joseph Locke
  • Location: Huntley, Illinois
  • Alexandrine Parrot-Male Breeder For Sale-Recently imported from Belgium. About 18 months old and beautiful. Also have 3 Females. Professional shipping. $1100 ea. The following birds are available that were imported from Belgium in May 2022. DNA sex testing upon request. Rock Pebblers, Crimson Rosella's all colors. Pale Head Rosella, Eastern, Eastern Red, Rubino Gold Mantles. Supurb, Mulga, and Mallee Parakeets. Ringnecks: Grey, Blue, Whitehead, Ino, Lace, Voilet, Yellow. Email for prices and details
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