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  • Posted On: 09/12/2011
  • Title: Breeder Birds for sale
  • Name: Kenny Stephens
  • Location: Bryan TX, Texas
  • I have the following pairs of Large birds for sale:

    1 pair very large Greenwing Macaws - $1800 firm.
    Proven for previous, and did lay a clutch of 3 eggs for me this year that were fertile, but baked in the Texas heat. Hen is plucked on belly, male on back of head.
    1 Pair of Molluccan Cockatoos. - $2000. DNA papers. Male is perfect, Hen has a pinioned wing, and a limp from encounter with a previous bad mate. This pair is very bonded, breeds every morning, and according to previous owner, laid fertile eggs, but will not sit. They laid an egg off the perch for me this year. I have only had them for a few months, but the neighbors are asking what kind of Dinosaurs I'm raising in the back yard.
    1 pair Severe Macaws. $1000 Perfect feather, very bonded, have laid eggs for me this year, but didn't sit. You will have to pull and incubate.

    1 Pair Citron Cockatoos - $1400. Perfect feather,
    Proven for previous. Hen has lost all the toes on one foot from Frost bite, but still has the pad of her foot. Doesn't slow her down at all. She is semi tame and handleable, but likes to bite when you aren't paying attention. Male is completely wild. Beautiful pair, and produced lots and lots of fertile eggs for previous owner.

    I only bought all of these birds in the past 6 months, and now I've decided I need to focus on my smaller birds, reduce my workload and my noise level.

    Would prefer not to ship, and If interested in buying all of them, I will sell the whole package for $5800, and throw in the nestboxes, and deliver within 300 miles of Bryan Texas for free.

    Photos available for serious inquiries upon request. Thanks!
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