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- Posted On: 07/22/2012
- Title: Breeder birds for sale
- Name: shawn rapley
- Location: Monument, Colorado
- Rock Pebbler pair, Younger pair, coming on 3 yrs old. Beautiful birds, perfect feather, excellent eaters $600 pr
Cockatiel colony $350 14 birds total, excellent breeders, all pearls or lutinos except 3
YS Greencheek Conures 3 young pairs, just coming to breeding age, 1 pr sleeping in nestbox now. All dna'd, perfect feather $300 pr or take all 3 prs for $825
1 pr. Rosie bourkes, male proven hen is young still beautiful pink birds $150 pr.
1 male Splendid 2 yrs. old, $100, proven
3 prs English Budgies, mutation colors, blue and violet, yellow face $120 pr, young pairs
shipping ok at buyers expense