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- Posted On: 10/18/2014
- Title: Pairs singles available
- Name: Tracie
- Location: Idaho
- Small hobby breeder, hobby has gotten out of hand, cutting back on pairs and singles.
Pair of hahns macaw, 9 year old hen with younger male. The female is in perfect feather, the male is over preened around lower abdomen and legs. $700
2 pairs of senegals, proven for previous. $450 each
1 single, DNA male, greencheek conure, proven with previous mate. $75
1 single, DNA male, painted conure, proven with previous mate. $300
1 single, DNA male, black cap conure. $200
1 pair, fishers lovebirds, violet male, dark eyed clear hen $200
1 single, DNA male, black masked lovebird, dilute violet $150
3 pairs of peachface lovebirds, violets, split opaline, cinnamons, pieds, price depends of color
4 singles, males and females, DNA'd or sexed based on color, $75 each (6 mos - 9 mos old)
Will consider discounts if multiple pairs/birds purchased, can combine crates for a single shipment.
Will ship weather permitting at buyers expense. Can ship through Delta or United. Shipping through United runs about $100 + $25 crate fee, shipping through Delta runs about $160 + $25 crate fee.