Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 03/29/2009
  • Title: post
  • Name: Alla
  • Location: Tucson, Arizona


    LOWEST PRICE in USA on Quality Cockatiels
    Flock of 45 Cockatiels. Individually I have sold these for $45 to $175 each. The whole group value is $3000 but I will sacrafice, and let them go for only $1395 ... none of these birds have bad blood lines, none have been inbred. All are strong, healthy and between 11 months and 2 years old. You can buy them and resell some of them for $150 each and some for $60 each ... either way you will double or triple your money. Shipping total is $185 to most cities (this includes large custom crate built specifically for this group. Three groups available. Call 520-298-0379 Bruce or see our website: www.
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