Moving SALE
Moving SALE
- REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
- Name: Richard
- Posted: 10/25/2010
- Location: Florida
- ID #2663

Moving have to sell the birds will take offers
Australian parakeets
1 proven pair aust. blue redrumpes $250 pair
1 proven pair Austr. blue x albino Red rumpes $400 pair
1 adult pair Princess blue /albino x albino $750
1 male princess split blue $250
1 male crimson wing parakeet $350 ea
1 proven pair cinn. Maely rosella’s $650
1 pair Orange / ?albino x albino crimson rosella’s $1,800
1 proven pair firey/rubino x rubino eastern rosella’s $550
1 proven female Stanley rosella $200
Asian Parakeets
2 young pair of Moustached parakeets $350 pair
1 adult male slaty headed parakeet $200
2 bonded pair of Derbyan parakeets $700 pair
1 proven pair of African ring neck parakeets $250
1 proven female cinn green violet split blue $325
7 ringnecks from 10’ blue turq. Blue, gray turq gray, and green $85 ea or all for $500
1 male Alexandrine parakeets split blue from 04’ $3,000
1 proven pair plum head parakeet $450
1 bonded pair blue and gold macaw $800
1 bonded pair red fronted macaw $1200 ( female little on her head )
1 egg laying pair of Caninde Macaw’s $3250 (Blue-Throated Macaw )
1 bonded pair greenwing x scarlet macaw’s $1400
1 egg laying pair of Hyacinth Macaws $15,500
2 egg laying pair rose breasted Cocketoo's $2,000 pair
male umbrella cockatoo $200 (1 broken wing )
1 male m crested cockatoo $250 Little plucked on chest
1 proven pair of blue fronded amazons $400 male is missing some toes
1 pair of egge leaying dubble yellow head amazons $800
1 bonded pair yellow nape x DYH amazon $750 female proven
1 bonded pair of vinacea amazons $1,700 (female is pluckt on chest and head ) ( FL sale only)
1 bonded pair of black headed Caique $800
1 male Senegal little plucked little on chest $150
1 proven pair of love birds male orange face opaline /lutino x lutino orange face opaline $250
Or Best offer
Can ship or meet in resonable distance for more info see or call 941-623-3942
Australian parakeets
1 proven pair aust. blue redrumpes $250 pair
1 proven pair Austr. blue x albino Red rumpes $400 pair
1 adult pair Princess blue /albino x albino $750
1 male princess split blue $250
1 male crimson wing parakeet $350 ea
1 proven pair cinn. Maely rosella’s $650
1 pair Orange / ?albino x albino crimson rosella’s $1,800
1 proven pair firey/rubino x rubino eastern rosella’s $550
1 proven female Stanley rosella $200
Asian Parakeets
2 young pair of Moustached parakeets $350 pair
1 adult male slaty headed parakeet $200
2 bonded pair of Derbyan parakeets $700 pair
1 proven pair of African ring neck parakeets $250
1 proven female cinn green violet split blue $325
7 ringnecks from 10’ blue turq. Blue, gray turq gray, and green $85 ea or all for $500
1 male Alexandrine parakeets split blue from 04’ $3,000
1 proven pair plum head parakeet $450
1 bonded pair blue and gold macaw $800
1 bonded pair red fronted macaw $1200 ( female little on her head )
1 egg laying pair of Caninde Macaw’s $3250 (Blue-Throated Macaw )
1 bonded pair greenwing x scarlet macaw’s $1400
1 egg laying pair of Hyacinth Macaws $15,500
2 egg laying pair rose breasted Cocketoo's $2,000 pair
male umbrella cockatoo $200 (1 broken wing )
1 male m crested cockatoo $250 Little plucked on chest
1 proven pair of blue fronded amazons $400 male is missing some toes
1 pair of egge leaying dubble yellow head amazons $800
1 bonded pair yellow nape x DYH amazon $750 female proven
1 bonded pair of vinacea amazons $1,700 (female is pluckt on chest and head ) ( FL sale only)
1 bonded pair of black headed Caique $800
1 male Senegal little plucked little on chest $150
1 proven pair of love birds male orange face opaline /lutino x lutino orange face opaline $250
Or Best offer
Can ship or meet in resonable distance for more info see or call 941-623-3942