Male Green pied indian ringneck baby

Male Green pied indian ringneck baby

  • REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
  • Name: Joe Coman
  • Posted: 05/11/2020
  • Location: Texas
  • ID #27804
Accepting reservation on this beautiful MALE green-pied Indian ringneck baby. He is currently being hand-fed. He will be ready for his forever home in July. All our babies are very sweet, trained and very well socialized. Please see our website for detailed information! For all inquiries please call-- 512-956-0937

Male green-pied ringneck baby: $1800

Videos here:

Call us to reserve your baby until its ready. All our babies come with a health certificate from an Avian vet and all babies are also DISEASE TESTED. Vet paperwork will be provided. Please see our website for details.

Contact: 512-956-0937

We do offer shipping within U.S only!!


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