Birds For Sale in the Southeast
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina & Tennessee

One baby Senegal Parrot remaining
- Name: Robert
- Posted: 05/22/2020
- Phone: 772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Must be able to finish hand feed $850 for him. Please call for details or

More baby White Bellied Caiques nest
- Name: Robert
- Posted: 05/22/2020
- Phone: 772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
A deposit is required to hold $1,000 each. Please call for details, or

Blue headed Macaw Pairs
- Name: CHERANE PEFLEY ZAA Professional Affiliate
- Posted: 05/21/2020
- Phone: 5615947007
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
My second and third-generation parent reared on my property. $15,000 for each pair. six and four years of age. DNA SEX TESTED AND ETEN DISE TESTING ALL NEGATIVE MUST HAVE PROOF OF USA RESIDENCY. mY BIRDS HAVE NEVER BEEN ON ANY SEED PART OF THEIR DI...

Blue headed Macaw Pairs
- Name: Cherane Pefley
- Posted: 05/21/2020
- Phone: 5615947007
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
$15,000 each pair Hatched and raised here on my property with no other hands touching these jewels. tested for anything that scares you from buying any bird. six and four years old. FLORIDA WILDLIFE CONSERVATION LICENSED SINCE 1991 each year.

Baby Queen Bavavia Golden Conures h
- Name: Robert
- Posted: 05/17/2020
- Phone: 772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
More babies hatching soon $3,200 each. Florida sales only. Please call for details or

Baby Senegals Brown Headed Parrots ava
- Name: Robert
- Posted: 05/17/2020
- Phone: 772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Baby Senegals are $850 each, baby Brown Heads $900 each. Please call for details (772) 285-5947 or

Baby White Bellied Caiques available
- Name: Robert
- Posted: 05/17/2020
- Phone: 772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Baby white Bellies are $1,000 each. Please call for details or

Baby Quakers available
- Name: Robert
- Posted: 05/17/2020
- Phone: 772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Green babies are $150 each, blue babies $300 each, red eyed cinnamon blue babies $400 each, lutino (yellow) babies $500 each, albino (white) babies $550 each

Nanday Conure Baby
- Name: Lima
- Posted: 05/16/2020
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Now accepting deposits on this gorgeous and super tamed Nanday Conure Baby for Sale on our website check it out. The Nanday Conure comes with Hatch Date Certificate , DNA Certificate, and Blood Tested for * Chlamydia Psitacia * Avian Polyoma Virus *...

Illiger macaws
- Name: Cherane Pefley
- Posted: 05/15/2020
- Phone: 5615947007
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
The third generation of Parents reared. in the nest box, just fledged this week, and are adorable, love to be held by me. NO OTHER HANDS TOUCHED THEsE BABIES.

- Name: CHERANE PEFLEY ZAA Professional Affiliate
- Posted: 05/15/2020
- Phone: 5615947007
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
'From 1998 to 2001 fourteen confiscated Blue-headed macaws were kept at Fundaci?n ARA, Mexico, where they successfully raised four young. Lack of financial support to Fundaci?n ARA caused that the entire group was moved to Bronx Zoo in 2001 (INIGO-EL...

Young male Meyers Parrot available
- Name: ROBERT
- Posted: 05/13/2020
- Phone: +1772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
He is perfect head to toes $700 for him. Please call for details, or

Young male Sun Conures available
- Name: ROBERT
- Posted: 05/13/2020
- Phone: +1772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Surgically sexed and tattooed young males for $300 each. Please call for details or

Pure Vosmaeri Eclectus male available
- Name: ROBERT
- Posted: 05/13/2020
- Phone: +1772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Nice big male $1,600 for him. Please call for details or

Laying Hawkheaded Parrot hen available
- Name: ROBERT
- Posted: 05/13/2020
- Phone: +1772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
She is in perfect health and feathers $3,000 for her. Please call for details, or

Blue Gold Macaw Baby
- Name: Lima
- Posted: 05/11/2020
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Now accepting deposits on this gorgeous and super tamed Blue and Gold Macaw Baby for Sale on our website check it out. The Blue and Gold Macaw comes with Hatch Date Certificate , DNA Certificate, and Blood Tested for * Chlamydia Psitacia * Avian Pol...

Breeder birds
- Name: Thomas Hall
- Posted: 05/09/2020
- Phone: 7543046099
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
Congo African grey pair 12 years old $3000 Grey Indian ring neck babies $250 each SL albino and creamino Quakers $550 Ressessive grey and greygreen Quakers $550 Turquoise Quakers $300 Opaline hen Quaker split dark eye 3ys $400 Turquoise split grey Qu...

Baby White Bellied Caiques available
- Name: ROBERT
- Posted: 05/08/2020
- Phone: +1772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Baby White Bellies are $1,000 each. Please call for details or

Baby Brown Headed Parrots available
- Name: ROBERT
- Posted: 05/08/2020
- Phone: +1772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Baby Brown Heads are $900 each. Please call for details or

Baby Senegal Parrots available
- Name: ROBERT
- Posted: 05/08/2020
- Phone: +1772-285-5947
- Email: Email Seller
- Location: Florida
- Website:
Baby Senegals are $850 each. Please call for details or