Cockatoos for Sale

Cockatoos for Sale

Cockatoos are the clowns of the bird world. View the list of cockatoos for sale below or you can click the individual species list at the bottom and narrow down the cockatoo list even further.

Breeder singles babies

  • Name: Benjamin
  • Posted: 01/20/2022
  • Phone: 3059009460
  • Email: Email Seller

Posting for 2 friends. 8 pair green Quakers all young pairs surgically sexed tattooed 600 pair 7 young pairs of green Indian ring necks all last years babies surgically sexed tatooed 800 pair 1 female crimson bellie conure 900 1 female senigal...

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Types of Cockatoos for Sale

Cockatoos are from Australia, Indonesian Islands and New guinea. They live in a diversity of geographic areas including woodlands, open forests and coastal plains. Through the years cockatoos have been faced with dangers from illegal pet trade and changing the environment of their habitats. As a result they are listed as extinct species on CITES list. There has been more restrictions forced on commercial trade or importation/exportation on account of scientific research of these beautiful birds. Molecular evidences are substantial to prove cockatoos have their ancestors in New Zealand parrots of strigopoidea family. Popular ideas on how cockatoos got their name include from Indonesian word 'kakatuwah' meaning grip , Malaysian word cockatoo meaning pincher, and so on.


The high intelligence of this bird along with their affectionate nature adds up to cockatoos' high demand as a pet. Having a cockatoo is a long time commitment considering they could easily outlive their owners with a lifespan up to 70 years. Experts claim pet owners have to devote a couple of hours per day since these birds long for attention from their masters. However, each bird and situation is going to be different. Don't expect to get a cockatoo and leave it in a cage without daily interactions. Not fair to the bird and you will probably get a screamer to deal with who is bored. Lack of attention can result in boredom which can lead to feather plucking and causing harm to themselves. Cockatoos are great imitators of their surroundings though not many are good at mimicking humans. Most of the cockatoos can be tamed but only a few could be trained to talk. Being social animals they need their time out of cages to have their play hours just like a dog, cat or any common pet. Cockatoos comes in a variety of colors from white to yellow or pink. Some of these birds have different light colors on their crests. Cockatoos are attention seekers and that's one of the behavioral problems they exhibit. When the cockatoos are caged after their playtime they try to get attention by loud screaming. The trick is to ignore the screaming bird and attend when it gets quiet to make sure the cockatoo doesn't make it a habit. Though human nature is to race to make the loud bird quiet. Hard to do but ignore the yelling and treat the silence.


Cockatoos eat an omnivorous diet that includes seeds, flowers, insects, and fruits. Black cockatoos feed more on fat than other breeds. Insects form a major part of diet in yellow-tailed black cockatoos. Proteins could be offered through cheese, meat bones, canned dog food and hard-boiled eggs. Fruit supplements can be added in diet including apples, oranges, carrots, peaches, bananas and many more but avocados being toxic to cockatoos should be avoided. Calcium particles could be sprinkled around the food at times. High lactose dairy food and meat can be added to their diet in small amounts. Excessive feeding of citrus fruits leads to Iron Overload disease in these birds. Water should be available for the bird throughout the day. Nutritional requirements are increased during the breeding season and the diet must be adjusted accordingly. Other toxic foods include chocolates, dried beans, and salty food.


Cages for cockatoos are tall and strongly wielded. The common idea with cockatoo caging is the larger the better. Cockatoos are great escape artists and if there are any escapes to be found, these birds will find it. Recommended size of 40 inches in width and 36 inches in depth suits most cockatoos. Caging should consider extra space for toys, perches and water. For social birds like cockatoos the cages needed to be kept at places where people visit more frequently. Make sure to not keep any sort of plastic in the cages which is hazardous when cockatoos chew on. It is recommended to change the toys frequently in cages. Cockatoos like to pry and they prefer novel toys every now and then. At times when human companion isn't available for play time, the birds enjoy listening to music and watching videos. Ladders and other sort of miniature play gyms makes good toys. Florescent toys look good on the eye but contain dye which is bad for the bird. Cockatoos are considered to be puppies of the bird pet world for their playfulness and inquisitive behavior.


Veterinary care is mandatory for cockatoos. Its essential to find a vet who specializes in avian care. A dejected or tired look, irregular eating habits, and runny dropping are indicators of a sick cockatoo. When these symptoms are noticed, cockatoos must be taken to a vet immediately. Common illnesses are caused by parasites mostly. Newly acquired birds need to be quarantined for some time before they adapt to the environment. Birds housed in larger groups are vulnerable to viruses and other infections. Be sure the bird doesn't bleed during clipping nails and feathers. Since cockatoos are powdery, bathing should be done once or twice a week. A spray bottle is used in most cases and at times cockatoos bathe themselves when provided with a dish of water. People with allergies do not do well with cockatoos, cockatiels, or greys.


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